CleanLife Digital Power - USB Range

Revolutionary Chargeless Batteries letting you charge on the go

Cleaner, Greener Next Generation Battery Power with an in-built USB-C charger for Portable Power, at home & on the go

Relax...they're Rechargeable

Inbuilt USB-C makes it easy to charge up without the need for an additional charger

Over 1600+ charge cycles makes these batteries enough to last a lifetime

Easy Re-Charging
At Home, or on the Go

Long Life 1600+ Cycles

USB-C rechargeable

High Capacity 2500 MWH (AA) & 900MWH (AAA)

High Power 1.6V

Our NiZn Rechargable Range

For easier, safer Rechargable battery Power

Our ZnNi Rechargeable Range is available in:


Voltage: 1.6v

Capacity: 1800mWh


Voltage: 1.6v

Capacity: 900mWh

CleanLife Digital Power - NiZn Range

Cleaner, Greener Next Generation Rechargeable Battery Power

CleanLife Digital Power - USB Range

Next Generation Battery Power with an in-built USB-C charger for Portable Power, at home & on the go